Maggie Simpson in: The Longest Daycare

“Maggie Simpson in: The Longest Daycare” is a 3D animated short film featuring Maggie Simpson. It premiered in the USA on July 13, 2012, alongside the movie “Ice Age: Continental Drift.” It was later re-released in February 2013, playing before the film “Life of Pi” in selected theaters. The short was briefly made available on YouTube in January 2013 but was later removed and then reuploaded on ANIMATIONonFOX in February 2013. It was released on worldwide television on February 17, 2013, and became available on Disney+ on May 29, 2020.

The story follows Maggie’s return to the Ayn Rand School for Tots, where she faces various tests and ends up in a classroom labeled “Nothing Special.” Her rival, Gerald Samson, is also there, and he tries to destroy a cocoon that Maggie is trying to protect.

In the plot, Marge brings Maggie to the school, where Maggie undergoes several tests. She relinquishes her pacifier, bottle, and keys and passes through security checks. Maggie is placed in a “Nothing Special” classroom, although she admires the “Gifted Children” room. Maggie attempts to engage in various activities but faces challenges.

Maggie eventually discovers a caterpillar and learns about the transformation into a butterfly through a 3D-picture book. She finds a cocoon and decides to save it from Gerald, who tries to smash it. A chase ensues, leading through different rooms in the daycare. Unfortunately, the cocoon is destroyed, but Maggie cleverly conceals the butterfly’s true identity.

The short was created as a way to give fans of “The Simpsons” a fun gift and was inspired by Pixar’s practice of releasing short films before feature films. It was directed by David Silverman and presented in 3D animation. The production process began in February 2012, with some scenes edited in After Effects.

The reception to “The Longest Daycare” was highly positive, with many viewers considering it better than the film “Ice Age: Continental Drift.” Critics praised its animation quality, humor, and emotional depth. It was noted for its clever storytelling and use of 3D technology. Overall, it was well-received and viewed as a highlight 뉴토끼 webtoon for fans of “The Simpsons.”

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